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Career Coaching

campaign management, ad designer, ad copywriter, email copywriter, landing page copywriter

I helped produce multiple funnels for B2C and B2B audiences, respectively. Copywriting, ad designs, & the strategy for a LinkedIn Ad campaign to build an Email list & convert course sales for this Leadership Consultancy.

 All the creative and statistics for this campaign are below. Click one of these buttons to skip around!

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Campaign Stats Portfolio CCP.PNG

These campaigns helped to develop a lookalike audience, which we are launching now. The bottom campaign had a different conversion target than the top campaign, thus we switched spend to the top campaign.

2 Storytelling Ads


The Low Fidelity Wild Card (With Strong Performance)


Business In A Box Offer: Cold Audience → Ad → Sales Page


Top Creatives

Top Performing Ads

B2C Audience: Lead Magnet → Email List → Course Purchase

Total Campaign Statistics

  • Campaign Duration: 5 ~ 6 months ||   10/15/21 ➡️ 3/10/22

  • Total Spend: $605.62

  • Impressions: 69,317

  • Clicks / Click Through Rate: 850 / 1.23%

  • Cost Per Click: $0.71

  • Conversions (Key Page Visits): 494

Top Performing Ads

1. "Living The Dream..."

8.17% Click Through Rate; 147 Impressions; $0.57 Cost Per Click


2. "The Job Hunt"

372 Impressions; 4.57% Click Through Rate; $1.04 Cost Per Click


3. "Towards Something You Love"

2,209 Impressions; 0.91% Click Through Rate; $0.32 Cost Per Click


4. "Free Call"

584 Impressions; 3.28% Click Through Rate; $0.73 Cost Per Click


5. Testimonial Video Views

133 Impressions; 5.26% Click Through Rate; $0.71 Cost Per Click


How it Went

   Unfortunately, after around 6 months of careful spending & weekday-only management, this campaign did not turn a profit.  Here are my final insights for the campaign, including a strategy for returning it to a profitable state.

Core Problem

    Click prices were great (Average for Top of Funnel Campaign: $0.47), but we made no Conversions. High bounce rate and low conversions suggest a problem with the landing page, content, or offer. It’s very possible, based on results, that the offer was undesirable, thus very few actual Emails were given. 

Suggested Solution

    Create a higher-level offer (Bundle everything), recreate landing pages based on the higher-level offer. Test the offer with organic (unpaid) traffic to verify demand. If it’s popular enough, then retrace back to highest performing ads, using the current audience, and scale up from there.

Secondarily, there’s a huge need to begin split testing landing page design and creative. With clicks being reliable, the next step forward would be to testing and measuring further movement into the funnel.

Project Analysis

All Ad Designs

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